How to Create a Professional Business Email

The introduction should clearly state the purpose of the email upfront. This helps the recipient understand why they are receiving the email and what you want them to get out of it.

Some tips for writing an effective introduction:

  • Open with a simple greeting like “Hi [name],” or “Good morning [name],” to start things off on a friendly note.
  • Follow up the greeting by explicitly stating the purpose of your email, ideally in the first sentence. For example, “I’m writing to follow up on our meeting last week regarding [topic].”
  • Keep the introduction concise – 1-2 sentences are usually sufficient.
  • You can briefly provide any context or background needed to understand the reason for your email after stating the purpose.
  • Avoid using vague introductions that leave the recipient unsure of what the email is about. Go with direct statements of purpose instead.

The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the email, so starting with a clear purpose statement helps ensure the recipient knows what to expect.


The greeting is important for setting the proper tone of the email. Use an appropriate level of formality based on your relationship with the recipient.

For most professional emails, “Hi [First Name],” or “Hello [First Name],” are safe choices if you are on a first-name basis with the recipient. If you do not know them personally or want to err on the side of formality, use their title and last name, such as “Dear Ms. Smith,” or “Hello Mr. Jones,”. Only use “To whom it may concern,” if you truly do not know who will be reading the email.

Avoid using informal greetings like “Hey,” or “Yo,” unless you have an established casual rapport with the recipient. The greeting should convey professionalism and respect.

Email Subject Line

The email subject line is crucial for getting your email opened and read. Keep your subject line:

  • Clear – State the purpose of the email plainly. Avoid vague subjects like “Proposal” or “Meeting.” Use specifics.
  • Concise – Keep it under 50 characters so the full subject is visible on most devices. Get to the point quickly.
  • Compelling – Make them want to open it. Pique interest with words like “Update,” “Invitation,” “Action needed,” etc.

A strong email subject line helps ensure your message gets through. Take the time to craft it thoughtfully.

Email Body

The body of your email should communicate your purpose for writing. Organize your content into concise paragraphs to make it easy for the recipient to quickly understand your message.

  • State the purpose of your email upfront in the first paragraph. Be clear if you are requesting action, providing information, following up, etc.
  • Use topic sentences to open each paragraph, making the content easy to skim. Avoid long blocks of text.
  • Be specific and get to the point quickly. Provide relevant details and explanations while still being brief.
  • Use a new paragraph for each main idea or point you want to convey. Limit paragraphs to 3-5 sentences.
  • Number or bullet key requests, next steps, action items, etc to make them stand out.
  • Close by clearly stating any requested action and thanking the recipient for their time. Provide your contact information and signature.

The body content should directly support your subject line and make your purpose transparent. Use clear organization, formatting, and concise writing tailored to the recipient.


When it comes to the tone of a professional business email, it’s important to remain professional, courteous, and helpful at all times.

Avoid using slang, emojis, or overly casual language that would be more fitting for personal communications. Your tone should align with the formality of a business relationship, even if you have an existing rapport with the recipient.

Be tactful, diplomatic, and honest without being blunt or critical. Find ways to provide constructive feedback or bad news while maintaining a positive spirit. Ask questions or propose solutions rather than simply pointing out problems.

Err on the side of being conservative rather than too casual. Formality demonstrates respect for the reader’s time and attention. However, avoid sounding overly stiff or arrogant. Be personable while maintaining professional boundaries.

Write in a tone that builds trust and goodwill. Express appreciation, offer help, and demonstrate that you have the reader’s best interests in mind. Seek win-win solutions and provide value in each interaction. With the proper tone, an email can enhance your business relationships.


Use clear, concise, formal language. Avoid using contractions, slang, emojis, overly casual language, or abbreviations.

  • Keep sentences short and easily understandable.
  • Use formal titles and surnames until you are expressly invited to use first names.
  • Avoid humor, sarcasm, or references to pop culture.
  • Don’t use jargon or technical terms a layperson wouldn’t understand.
  • Check for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Read the email aloud before sending it to ensure it sounds professional.

Asking for Action

Before ending your email, make sure to clearly state any requests or desired actions you want the recipient to take after reading your message. This helps provide clarity on the next steps and prevents miscommunication.

Some examples of asking for action include:

  • Requesting a response by a certain date: Please let me know if you can attend the meeting by Friday.
  • Asking for a decision or input: I would appreciate your feedback on the proposal by early next week.
  • Suggesting a meeting or call: Would you be available to meet sometime in the next two weeks to further discuss this project?
  • Seeking additional information: If you could send over the report once it is complete, that would be very helpful.
  • Asking them to reach out to others: Please check with the department heads on budget availability for this request.
  • Requesting confirmation: Please confirm you have received this information.

Make your requests clear, specific, and reasonable based on the relationship you have with the recipient. Give them an easy way to respond such as your contact details. And remember to say thank you for your time and consideration. Clear, well-crafted calls to action can help ensure you get the response you need.

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions. I’m available via email at or phone at 123-456-7890. My office hours are 9 am -5 pm EST Monday through Friday. I’m happy to schedule a call or meeting if you need to discuss further. Just let me know what days and times work best for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


As we wrap up this email, I want to thank you again for taking the time to discuss this opportunity. I believe that by working together, we can achieve great things for both our organizations.

To quickly recap, I’d appreciate it if you could review the proposal and provide your feedback by next Tuesday. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks again, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!


Before hitting send, be sure to proofread your email one final time. Read through the entire message slowly, watching for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Check that you used the proper tone and formality level throughout. Verify all names and facts are correct.

Double-check that the subject line matches the content and purpose of the email. Look for any incomplete sentences or unclear thoughts, and polish the writing so that everything flows well.

Proofreading carefully helps prevent misunderstandings and mistakes, while also making a good impression on recipients. An error-free email signals professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for the reader’s time. With a clean, polished email, your message and meaning will come through clearly.

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